We guarantee accurate verification to comply with the standards

We know how important quality control is in the pharmaceutical industry. That is why our aim is to be able to offer the most advanced inspection systems.

With machine vision systems, you will improve quality control in the packaging process and the verification of codes and labels. We offer line solutions for ISO verification, traceability and machine vision.

Automation systems for the pharmaceutical industry

These are some of the systems we can deploy:

  • Inspection of variable marking
  • Roll printing control
  • Capping control
  • High-precision metrology
  • Filling control
  • Robot guidance
  • Traceability
  • Cross-referencing control

Custom solutions

Our engineers have extensive experience in the design, installation and support ofcustomised industrial applications in the pharmaceutical sector. We develop the integration software for all the components of the project.

In addition, there will be a single point-person responsible for the project from start to finish, so that you will always have a top professional at your side.

Take the First Step Toward Enhanced Efficiency.
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Please complete the form below, and the AIS Scanology team will respond within 48 working hours. We will assess your case and offer recommendations on the best technological solutions to optimize your company's performance.

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